
Experience report of a The Journey® "Traveler"

Experience report from a "The Journey®" traveler

the journey

When I heard about the treatment method "Journey according to Brandon Bays" for the first time, it was clear to me that I would like to experience this journey to my source in order to face my fears and traumas and to experience healing at the deepest level / cell level.

Patrizia received me in your studio, where I immediately felt very comfortable and safe.

After a brief introduction and a cup of tea, I took a comfortable position and began my journey.

The pleasant voice of Patrizia accompanied me wonderfully on my way to absolute deep relaxation. So it was very easy for me to get involved and give my mind some rest for a while.

My journey soon led me to a memory from my earliest childhood, it was totally moving for me what happened to me ... I relived the emotions in connection with this memory and was absolutely moved by the “images” that accompanied me. Together with Patrizia I went this way, relived the past in a wonderful way and had the opportunity to relive what is important to me and to express what is necessary to experience healing.

Emotions accompanied me through the whole process. One emotion was there until I made peace with it and the next emotion could be processed. Everything is accompanied by beautiful pictures that allow access to your own source through this deep relaxation.

Fears and doubts were removed. I could make peace, forgive, let go ... And it became very calm in me ... In the end I was filled with clarity and lightness and with new truths.

3 weeks have now passed since the treatment. I feel a new kind of calm and trust in me. And still like to put myself back in my wonderful and enlightening journey that I was able to experience thanks to Patrizia.

by Tanja V.

Book yours now The Journey® Travel 


Cryolipolysis - fat gone with cold

Cryolipolysis - fat gone with cold

Get rid of fat with cryolipolysis

The different fat deposits in our body

Visceral fat (Fat stored around the organs), unfortunately we cannot treat this with cryolipolysis, but ours can help EMShapeX® Treatment.

The Parallel fat We cannot remove (brown fat cells), which maintain all vital and life-sustaining functions. But this is a good thing!

The Cryolipolysis treatment aims at that Subcutaneous (white) fat which is mainly caused by too much unhealthy food (especially fat and carbohydrates) and little exercise. 

These classic energy stores in the body arise when we absorb more energy than we use. In short, high food intake combined with very little exercise.

Mode of action cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis uses the greater susceptibility of fat cells to cold compared to the surrounding tissue. An applicator is attached to the desired area by means of Peltier technology brought to a temperature of −8 to −10 degrees and cools the underlying fatty tissue to around +4 to +5 degrees. A fleece with gel between the skin and the applicator prevents frostbite. The fat cells go through the so-called Apoptosis and are broken down by the body. This reduces the thickness of the fat layer. Sensors are connected to the control console and enable the cooling to be monitored and adjusted. In addition, the tissue is repeatedly massaged against the skin during the treatment using variable suction.

In order to achieve optimal treatment success, anti-inflammatory medication such as B. Voltaren or ibuprofen should not be taken for about four weeks after treatment. If pain persists, paracetamol is a pain reliever with little anti-inflammatory potency that can be taken. The reduction in fat deposits occurs after 4–12 weeks.


After treatment, side effects may include bruising, reddening of the skin, and numbness of the skin. In most cases, these side effects do not last longer than a week. 

Book your cryolipolysis treatment now Cryomed®


No more weak pelvic floor muscles!

No more weak pelvic floor muscles!

EMChairX pelvic floor training pelvic floor muscles

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is a muscle plate that closes off the abdominal cavity and the pelvic organs from below and is curved upwards at its edges. The muscles extend from the pubic bone to the back of the sacrum and coccyx, while the muscles are attached to both ischial tuberosities laterally. Openings lead through the muscle plate for the rectum, urethra and vagina.

The pelvic floor muscles relax during bowel movements, urination and, in women, during sexual intercourse and childbirth. The perineum is also part of the pelvic floor; in men it lies between the scrotum and anus, in women between the vagina and anus.

What are the tasks of the pelvic floor?

A strong and healthy pelvic floor is important for health because it is

  • gives the abdominal and pelvic organs support,
  • supports the sphincter muscles of the urethra and anus,
  • withstands the high pressure that arises when coughing and laughing, when straining when defecating and when exercising, for example when lifting heavy objects.

When does pelvic floor training make sense?

Poor posture, being overweight and sitting a lot can over time clog and weaken the pelvic floor. In women, the muscles are additionally stressed by pregnancy and childbirth.

Pelvic floor exercises can be particularly helpful for:

  • Bladder weakness
  • Bowel weakness
  • overweight
  • poor posture

For women additionally:

  • Before and after the birth
  • For weak connective tissue due to hormonal changes during the menopause
  • With lowering of the uterus
  • After operations in the pelvic area

For men additionally:

  • After operations on the prostate
  • With potency problems

Pelvic floor tightening with EMChairX®

The pelvic floor muscle is the most difficult muscle in the body to train. With the unique EMChairX® but it will be an easy game in the future! 

You can find out more about this at EMChairX®


Loss of fat by building muscle!

Loss of fat by building muscle!

Fat loss & muscle building with EMShapeX

Fat is stored energy that can only be burned (used) in one place in the body, the mitochondria. The mitochondria are also known as "the power plants of our cells" and where are they mainly located? In the muscles!

The logical conclusion is:

The more muscles we have, the faster & more fat we can lose!

Exercise is only there to burn off calories. It would be wrong to think that you lose fat while exercising, or that exercise is a prerequisite for fat loss. Our body needs energy 24 hours a day. Even when you are quiet, for example when you are sleeping or relaxing in front of the television. If there is a negative energy balance in the diet, fat is consumed 24 hours a day.

Muscles consume energy even at rest. A general statement says that 1 kg of additional muscle mass requires around 100 additional calories per day.

Fat loss almost like sleeping with EMShapeX®:

At our EMShapeX® During the treatment, around 16% muscle is built up and around 19% fat is reduced at the same time.

You can find out more about this at EMShapeX®

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