MIND methods

Many roads lead to Rome and for everyone there is another path, the right one.
Here you can find out more about the various possibilities that can lead you back to your inner well-being, freedom, joy, health and to a "YES" in your life - namely to yourself.  

The Journey Brandon Bays

The Journey® is an innovative transformation and healing method developed by the internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker and mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays was developed.

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Holistic Psycho Process®

With the HPP Holistic Psycho Process® method, you can use kinesiological muscle test Blockages, old / disturbing thought and behavior patterns, fears, malaise, allergies, illnesses and psychological disorders are uncovered and resolved.

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HPP Holistic Psycho Process
Dissolve energetic balance disturbances

Energetic loads that are not visible to us
there are many.

These can be caused by water veins, cell phone masts, W-LAN or by external energetic influences.

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Systemic constellations

Perceiving entanglements, disturbances, influences and dissolving them so that life can flow again ..

The systemic (family) constellation assumes that we are all connected in some way.

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Systemic constellations with figures

The Journey

The Journey® is an innovative transformation and healing method developed by the internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker and mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays.

The Journey

The Journey® is an innovative transformation and healing method developed by the internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker and mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays.

The Journey

The Journey® is an innovative transformation and healing method developed by the internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker and mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays.

The Journey

The Journey® is an innovative transformation and healing method developed by the internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker and mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays.

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